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Shiitake Extract Powder, Lentinus Edodes Extract Powder 8: 1

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작성자. Deanna 작성일24-09-15 03:29 조회4회 댓글0건 이메일 : deannahill@gmail.com


Shiitake-Mushroom-Extract-Powder33-TCM-AChina's Largest Edible & Medicinal Mushroom Deep Processing Enterprise. The company has been dedicated to mushroom products' R&D, production and sale for many years. We have our own mushroom planting base. Mushroom powder; Mushroom extract (Polysaccharides); Reishi mushroom spore powder. Mushroom supplements; Mushroom finished products OEM (Capsule and Tea bag). We are the factory which with many honours. The only one in china. 1. We are pharmaceutical factory. 2. We have GMP certificate. 3. We have HACCP certificate. 4. We are national high-tech enterprise. 5. We have the R&D certre of mushroom deep processing, which is the only one centre in china. 6. We have mushroom planting base. In the event you liked this article as well as you would like to acquire more info regarding Supplier of shiitake mushroom extract powder for food Ingredients generously visit the web site. 7. We always do mushroom finished products OEM. 8. We have been exporting our products to USA, EU and south Asia for many years. 9. We are Huqing Yutang Group, the group is very famous in the world in chinese medicine field. 10. We are one member of china health care union. 11. We are Zhejiang anti-cancer association member. 12. We are the designated R&D base and pilot-plant of Medicinal&Edible Fungi by Zhejiang Sci-Tech Commission. 13. We increasingly strengthens the cooperation relations with domestic famous institutions so as to maintain the technological leadership. For example, China Pharmaceutical University, Zhejiang University, Jiangsu University, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 14. We have Standardized Reishi Mushroom, Shiitake Mushroom, Maitake mushroom and Agaricus blazei planting base. 15. We have Food Sanitary Registration Certificate of Export Enterprise, which meets export food hygiene requirements. 16. We have maitake medicine which is the only one maitake medicine in china. We can produce maitake D and X Fraction. 17. Professional testing personnel and testing equipment, advanced production equipments.

For culinary use, shiitake are one of the most common and popular mushrooms - their distinctive, savory, and rich taste improves almost any dish. But shiitake mushrooms are much more than a delicious addition to a good meal. The nutritional compounds in shiitakes provide a vast array of health benefits. Packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and dozens of phytonutrients - substances in certain plants which are considered beneficial to human health and disease prevention - the shiitake has long been a staple of Eastern medicine. Only recently has modern Western science started to appreciate this mushroom’s contribution to improved health and disease fighting. What Are Shiitake Mushrooms? What Are Shiitake Mushrooms? Shiitake mushrooms - scientific name Lentinula edodes and also referred to as black forest mushroom - grow primarily throughout East Asia in countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Korea, and China. Over 80% of shiitake are grown in Japan, though a few countries outside of East Asia, such as the United States and Canada, also produce them some.

Biscotti_Group.jpgShiitake are tan to dark brown in color, with caps that grow up to 4 inches in diameter. Shiitake grow naturally on fallen and decaying hardwood trees. When it comes to describing how shiitake mushrooms taste, the word umami is often used. Umami is the fifth basic taste category (the others being sweet, sour, bitter, and salty), and is best defined by the word savory. Shiitake taste closely mimics beef, and for this reason it’s an ingredient popular with many vegetarians. Once cooked, the mushrooms’ earthy, buttery flavor comes out, along with its pine-like and garlic aroma. In many areas of East Asia these mushrooms are a staple ingredient in dishes such as miso soup, pho, and vegetarian stir-fries. Centuries ago East Asians discovered that in addition to shiitake tasting great, these mushrooms also have many medicinal properties that can play a role in preventing and treating a number of health concerns. References to the use of shiitake mushrooms for boosting health and longevity can be found in traditional herbal medicine texts written well over a thousand years ago.

Only recently has the Western world started to appreciate the health benefits of shiitake. Nutritionally, shiitake mushrooms are a good source of key minerals and vitamins, including vitamin D, copper, and selenium. Shiitakes contain several compounds known for their roles in immune system support and defense against cancer: polysaccharides, terpenoids, sterols, and lipids. This mushroom also contains a plentiful amount of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that contributes to both muscle building and weight loss. Speaking of muscle building, shiitakes are unique in the plant world because their composition has 18 amino acids, including all eight essential amino acids. Not only that, but these essential amino acids exist in a ratio to one another that is very similar to the ratio of an "ideal protein" for humans. These amino acids, in this particular ratio, are normally found only in meat - providing another reason for shiitakes being popular with vegetarians (the other reason being their meat-like taste).


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- 보존 근거 : 전자상거래등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률
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- 보존 항목 : 이름, 생년월일, 로그인ID, 비밀번호, 자택 전화번호, 자택 주소, 휴대전화번호, 이메일, 접속 로그, 쿠키, 접속 IP 정보, 결제기록
- 보존 근거 : 전자상거래등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률
- 보존 기간 : 5년
